Price list for general diagnostic procedures

The analysis prices below are valid as of June 1, 2024, and subject to indexation.

All prices are noted per sample, exclusive 6% VAT.

For official samples, the analysis prices established with the official bodies apply.

General sales terms and conditions.

ILVO acts in accordance with Article 8, §1 of the Royal Decree of 14 November 2003 on self-checking, compulsory notification and traceability in the food chain. If, during the performance of an analysis, the presence of an organism is suspected and / or established for which a notification requirement applies, this must be reported to the FASFC. The lab will point this out to the customer, request proof of this and, if necessary, report it itself.

General diagnostic procedures

What Matrix* Method of analysis Normal duration of analysis** Price (€/sample) excl VAT
Basic analysis (B) Plants
Plant material
Visual and microscopic determination of the disease symptom without any other tests 2-5 days


Standard analysis (S) Plants
Plant material
Basic anaylsis with supplementary tests using common lab techniques (ELISA, plating, etc.) 2-15 days 93,51 ELISA: Fixed cost € 68,57 +
€ 24,94/analysis; 15% volume discount on analysis cost from 6 tests onwards; 30% from 11 tests onwards; on request for >20 tests
Moleculaire analyse (M) Plants
Plant material
An analysis with 1 specific PCR, RT-PCR of real-time PCR 1-15 days 143,36 Fixed cost € 68,57 +€ 74,81/analysis; 15% volume discount on analysis cost from 3 tests onwards; 30% from 6 tests onwards; on request for >11 tests
DNA Sequencing (1 organism) 4 days + 43,64 Possibility of High Throughput Sequencing (HTS): price upon request
Specific tests
Bioassay op indicator plants Plant material Inoculation on indicator plants 10-45 days 93,51
Screening free living nematodes (VL) Plant material
Extraction, detection and identification by means of microscopic examination (quantification) 5-10 days 143,36
Screening cysts (C / C+)) Soil
Extraction, detection (and identification) by means of microscopic examination (quantification) 5-10 days 68,57 / 143,36
Potato cyst Viability potato cysts Cysts Determination of viability in a hatching test using potato root diffusate and microscopic examinaton 20 days 68,57
Determination of viability using trehalose 5 days 143,36
Morphological identification of insects / mites down to order/family Insects / mites Morphological identification 68,57
Morphological identification of insects / mites down to order/family Plant material Isolation and morphological identification 93,51
Morphological identification of insects / mites down to genus/species Insects / mites Morphological identification 112,20
Morphological identification of insects / mites down to genus/species Plant material Isolation and morphological identification 137,13
Visual screening for presence of insects Beans / seeds / stored products Visual screening using stereomicroscope 143,36
Plant resistance tests Puccinia horiana (specific isolates) Chrysanthemum 3 replicates 4 weeks 14,84
5 replicates 4 weeks 17,58

*see also guidelines for submitting samples
** during workdays, after submitting the sample as agreed

A detailed list of available tests can be viewed here.

Other and/or high-pressure tests, large numbers of samples or contracts, please contact us.